Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mark 13, Luke 21:5-38, Joseph Smith Matthew; Preparing for the Savior's Second Coming

There are many things that we should watch for in order to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ, some of the things we should watch for include, falling of stars, the gospel being heard through all the nations, and false Christ's and prophets arising. There are also many other things taught about the second coming in Doctrine and Covenants 87:8 it teaches us that the Lord cometh quickly, it says, "stand ye in holy places and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come," this also gives us council on how to get through the last days by standing in holy places. Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:32 also teaches that the abomination and desolation than Daniel prophesied will be fulfilled in the last days. But then we are given advice of how to make it through the last days, in Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:37 it says, "whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived" if we keep close to the scriptures and our Savior then we will be able to survive. Then in the same chapter verses 46-50 teach about how we don't know when the Savior will come and that we should be prepared for whenever he comes. Doctrine and Covenants 33:17 also teaches about how we should be prepared, this verse refers to the parable of the ten virgins, how we do not know when the Bridegroom will come but we need to be sure that our lamps are full for when He comes. Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57 talks about how the parable of the ten virgins will be fulfilled when Christ comes again. The main thing that we can learn from this is that we need to be prepared for whenever the Savior comes.

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