Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Mark 13, Luke 21:5-38, Joseph Smith Matthew; Preparing for the Savior's Second Coming
There are many things that we should watch for in order to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ, some of the things we should watch for include, falling of stars, the gospel being heard through all the nations, and false Christ's and prophets arising. There are also many other things taught about the second coming in Doctrine and Covenants 87:8 it teaches us that the Lord cometh quickly, it says, "stand ye in holy places and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come," this also gives us council on how to get through the last days by standing in holy places. Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:32 also teaches that the abomination and desolation than Daniel prophesied will be fulfilled in the last days. But then we are given advice of how to make it through the last days, in Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:37 it says, "whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived" if we keep close to the scriptures and our Savior then we will be able to survive. Then in the same chapter verses 46-50 teach about how we don't know when the Savior will come and that we should be prepared for whenever he comes. Doctrine and Covenants 33:17 also teaches about how we should be prepared, this verse refers to the parable of the ten virgins, how we do not know when the Bridegroom will come but we need to be sure that our lamps are full for when He comes. Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57 talks about how the parable of the ten virgins will be fulfilled when Christ comes again. The main thing that we can learn from this is that we need to be prepared for whenever the Savior comes.
Mark 12:41-44; The Widow's Mites
The widow really and truly lived what the Savior taught in Mark 12:28-30. In these verses the Savior taught "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart." By giving all she could she showed the she truly loves the Lord with all her heart and is willing to give everything she has to show her love and devotion to the Savior.
Compared to everyone else the window gave so much more because she gave everything that she had trusting in the Lord. This teaches me about what I should do, and that to make an acceptable offering to the Lord that I need to be willing to give all that I have and should be willing to do anything if my Savior asks. And we need to be willing to do it simply because we love our Father in Heaven and our Savior. I love 2 Nephi 25:23 and I think that it can add to our understanding, I like the end where it says, "it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."I like the after all we can do part, for the most part we know that we are saved by grace. But we also need to know that we need to do everything we can to be truly saved. Our Heavenly Father expects us to do everything we can to follow Him and show Him how much we truly love Him.
There are many other ways that we can follow the widows example. One of which included donating our time by doing service or helping others. We can also follow the example of obedience by keeping the commandments and doing what our Heavenly Father would have us do.
Compared to everyone else the window gave so much more because she gave everything that she had trusting in the Lord. This teaches me about what I should do, and that to make an acceptable offering to the Lord that I need to be willing to give all that I have and should be willing to do anything if my Savior asks. And we need to be willing to do it simply because we love our Father in Heaven and our Savior. I love 2 Nephi 25:23 and I think that it can add to our understanding, I like the end where it says, "it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."I like the after all we can do part, for the most part we know that we are saved by grace. But we also need to know that we need to do everything we can to be truly saved. Our Heavenly Father expects us to do everything we can to follow Him and show Him how much we truly love Him.
There are many other ways that we can follow the widows example. One of which included donating our time by doing service or helping others. We can also follow the example of obedience by keeping the commandments and doing what our Heavenly Father would have us do.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Luke 16-18; Parables and Accounts That Teach Eternal Truths
Luke 16:1-12, the parable of the unjust steward-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we need to be honest in all of our doings and that we need to be careful as we prepare for the future and we need to make sure that we are doing all that we can to prepare.
Luke 16:19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we cannot serve God and mammon, which basically means that we cannot serve God and the world, and that we need to be sure that we are focusing on the things of God and not the world.
Luke 17:11-19, the ten lepers-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we need to be grateful for the things that our Savior has given us, because He can and will heal all of us when we ask, but when we are grateful and appreciative for all that He has done for us then He is able to make us whole. (Image- The one leper thanks Christ, image titled "Where are the Nine?")
Luke 18:1-8, the parable of the unjust judge-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that through the hard and difficult times in our lives we need to stay strong and continue. During these hard times we need to keep strong in our faith and remember that we are children of God and that He really does love and care for us, and desires to help us, in His time.
Luke 18:9-14, the parable of the Pharisee and the publican-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we need to be sure that we are humble and contrite towards our Savior no matter who were are, we need to be sure that we come to our Father in Heaven in humility and ask for His help and guidance.
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we need to be honest in all of our doings and that we need to be careful as we prepare for the future and we need to make sure that we are doing all that we can to prepare.
Luke 16:19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we cannot serve God and mammon, which basically means that we cannot serve God and the world, and that we need to be sure that we are focusing on the things of God and not the world.
Luke 17:11-19, the ten lepers-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we need to be grateful for the things that our Savior has given us, because He can and will heal all of us when we ask, but when we are grateful and appreciative for all that He has done for us then He is able to make us whole. (Image- The one leper thanks Christ, image titled "Where are the Nine?")
Luke 18:1-8, the parable of the unjust judge-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that through the hard and difficult times in our lives we need to stay strong and continue. During these hard times we need to keep strong in our faith and remember that we are children of God and that He really does love and care for us, and desires to help us, in His time.
Luke 18:9-14, the parable of the Pharisee and the publican-
I feel that our Heavenly Father wants us to understand or learn that we need to be sure that we are humble and contrite towards our Savior no matter who were are, we need to be sure that we come to our Father in Heaven in humility and ask for His help and guidance.
Luke 10:1-24; The Lord Appointed Other Seventy Also
The Lord gave counsel to the seventy to help them to understand what their responsibilities are. I really like what Luke 10:3 said, "I will send you forth as lambs among wolves." I think this explains the role of the seventy pretty well, they are spread throughout the world to represent the church, and they are among the wolves which to me represents the world and the worldliness of the people. The seventy were also given instructions that they are to heal the sick, preach the gospel, and crush the enemies of the church.
The Sixth Article of Faith says "We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive church." The instructions given to the seventy during the time of Christ are still responsibilities that our seventy of today follow and try to follow. To me this is very important because I can see that the church is still following the guidelines that were given during the time of Christ.
The scriptures show this important group of the priesthood throughout, Christ institutes the seventy and then they are talked about more in the scriptures and in revelations that Joseph Smith received. I know that the seventy are called of God and are a very important part of the structure of the church.
The Sixth Article of Faith says "We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive church." The instructions given to the seventy during the time of Christ are still responsibilities that our seventy of today follow and try to follow. To me this is very important because I can see that the church is still following the guidelines that were given during the time of Christ.
The scriptures show this important group of the priesthood throughout, Christ institutes the seventy and then they are talked about more in the scriptures and in revelations that Joseph Smith received. I know that the seventy are called of God and are a very important part of the structure of the church.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Matthew 18:1-14; "Become as Little Children"
In Matthew 18:3-4 and Doctrine and Covenants 78:17-18 they talk a lot about how were are like little children an how we are to become as little children. In Matthew 18:3 it says, "Except ye be converted, and become as like little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." I think that this shows how important it is that we become like little children because it is absolutely necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. In the next verse it talks about how if we humble ourselves like a child then we will be able to become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. In the Doctrine and Covenants verses it talks about how we do not understand the greatness of the blessings that the Father has in store for us. I especially love verse 18, which says, "be of good cheer for I will lead you along" this is an amazing promise that we will have help as we navigate through life, but the verse continues to say, "the kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours." If we are willing to become as little children then we will receive all these blessings and greatness. (Picture- Christ teaches that we should become as little children, with a child sitting by him.)
Mosiah 3:19 talks about how we can put off the natural man by becoming as a little child, and included in this we find a lot a great ways to become like a little child. Some of the things that the verse tells us to do include, becoming "submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, [and] willing to submit to all the things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict" while this is a lot of things that we should do it really does help us to become better people who are more able to submit to and follow the will of the Lord.
Mosiah 3:19 talks about how we can put off the natural man by becoming as a little child, and included in this we find a lot a great ways to become like a little child. Some of the things that the verse tells us to do include, becoming "submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, [and] willing to submit to all the things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict" while this is a lot of things that we should do it really does help us to become better people who are more able to submit to and follow the will of the Lord.
Matthew 14:22-33; Walking on the Sea
When the Apostles first saw Christ walking towards them walking on the water they were afraid, in Matthew 14:26 it says, "they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear." I thought this was interesting, because I would think that they would recognize their leader. Then Christ told them who He was and Peter had an incredible response, I love what he said to Christ, in verse 28 he said, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." To me this indicates that Peter had incredible faith in Christ, the feat of walking on water is impossible but he know that His Savior could help him to be able to do it.
But in verse 30 Peter began to sink because he saw the wind and he was afraid. In his moment of fear he began to sink because fear is the opposite of faith. When he began to sink he cried out "Lord, save me." I love what it says in verse 30, "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him" I really like the immediacy that Christ had in saving Peter. It shows me that when I ask Christ will be right there to help me.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:67 talks about how there will be no darkness in the bodies and that they will be filled with light. I think that this can be connected to the story of Christ and Peter walking on water, because if we are filling our souls with light then there can be no darkness. I think that this connects with fear and faith, because if we are filled with faith then there can be no room for fear in our lives. I love that idea, that if I make sure my life is full of faith then I won't need to fear about things because I have that trust in my Savior and my Heavenly Father, just like how when Peter was full of faith he was bale to walk on the water.
But in verse 30 Peter began to sink because he saw the wind and he was afraid. In his moment of fear he began to sink because fear is the opposite of faith. When he began to sink he cried out "Lord, save me." I love what it says in verse 30, "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him" I really like the immediacy that Christ had in saving Peter. It shows me that when I ask Christ will be right there to help me.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:67 talks about how there will be no darkness in the bodies and that they will be filled with light. I think that this can be connected to the story of Christ and Peter walking on water, because if we are filling our souls with light then there can be no darkness. I think that this connects with fear and faith, because if we are filled with faith then there can be no room for fear in our lives. I love that idea, that if I make sure my life is full of faith then I won't need to fear about things because I have that trust in my Savior and my Heavenly Father, just like how when Peter was full of faith he was bale to walk on the water.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Matthew 13:44-50; Understanding Parables
In Matthew 13:44-46 it talks about a treasure that is a pearl of great price, Christ liked these two things to the kingdom of Heaven. In these parables the two men that find these treasures go and sell them for what they think is better. I think that from this parable it is important that we learn, when we find these pearls or treasures that we hold onto them. I have made sacrifices to keep the gospel in my life and I have definitely known others that have made bigger sacrifices for the gospel. I have some friends who's family disowned them because they joined the church, and while it was hard for them they knew the importance and the preciousness of the gospel and were willing to give up anything for it.
In Matthew 13:47-50 it goes a little differently it talks about the net cast into the sea which represents the kingdom of Heaven and a gathering and then the fish are sorted into the good and the bad. The sorting talks about what will happen at the end of the world when the wicked will be burned. When talking about the gathering there is a footnote that leads to Matthew 22:10 which talks about how they gathered people both good and bad to be guests, I think that the gathering of the net is something like this, that when the net is cast out they are not very particular about who they pick because the bad will be cast out. (Photo- Jesus teaches about the kingdom of Heaven)
While these parables are not very happy or exciting parables I still think that it is very important that we learn from them and take all that we can from them so that we can increase our understanding about the plan and what we are to do.
In Matthew 13:47-50 it goes a little differently it talks about the net cast into the sea which represents the kingdom of Heaven and a gathering and then the fish are sorted into the good and the bad. The sorting talks about what will happen at the end of the world when the wicked will be burned. When talking about the gathering there is a footnote that leads to Matthew 22:10 which talks about how they gathered people both good and bad to be guests, I think that the gathering of the net is something like this, that when the net is cast out they are not very particular about who they pick because the bad will be cast out. (Photo- Jesus teaches about the kingdom of Heaven)
While these parables are not very happy or exciting parables I still think that it is very important that we learn from them and take all that we can from them so that we can increase our understanding about the plan and what we are to do.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Matthew 5:1-12; The Beatitudes
I did a little bit of research on the word blessed, my favorite synonym for the word blessed was consecrated. I really like this word because in the beatitudes it says things like "blessed are the meek" and I like seeing it in different ways and seeing it as consecrated are the meek, to me this brings a whole different meaning to the beatitudes.
I especially love Matthew 5:4 which says, "blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." I have definitely seen this beatitude in my life, I have been through hard times like everyone I know but my Savior has helped me to feel comforted during those hard times. I know that my Savior can help me in the hard times of my life, and I know that He has and will continue to help me throughout all the times of my life.
I also really like verse 6 which says, "blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." I also really like this one because I know that it can be hard to find and be full of righteousness. I like the promise that if we desire to to be righteous then we will be able to find that righteousness and we will be full of the righteousness that we desire. I hope that I will be able to find all the righteousness that I want in my life, I want to be filled with righteousness that the scriptures promise us.
I also love verse 8, which says, "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." I think that this is an absolutely incredible blessing that we can receive. I personally have never seen God but I love the promise that one day I will be able to. This is one thing that makes me want to do everything that I can to do what I should and be as righteous as I can so that I can see God and even eventually live with Him and eternal happiness.
While I only mentioned a few beatitudes I really do love all of them and the things that are promised if I keep the commandments and do these seemingly small things that will lead to great results and happiness in my life. I am so grateful for the blessings that my Heavenly Father gives to me, one being that I know of the gospel and am able to follow it.
I especially love Matthew 5:4 which says, "blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." I have definitely seen this beatitude in my life, I have been through hard times like everyone I know but my Savior has helped me to feel comforted during those hard times. I know that my Savior can help me in the hard times of my life, and I know that He has and will continue to help me throughout all the times of my life.
I also really like verse 6 which says, "blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." I also really like this one because I know that it can be hard to find and be full of righteousness. I like the promise that if we desire to to be righteous then we will be able to find that righteousness and we will be full of the righteousness that we desire. I hope that I will be able to find all the righteousness that I want in my life, I want to be filled with righteousness that the scriptures promise us.
I also love verse 8, which says, "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." I think that this is an absolutely incredible blessing that we can receive. I personally have never seen God but I love the promise that one day I will be able to. This is one thing that makes me want to do everything that I can to do what I should and be as righteous as I can so that I can see God and even eventually live with Him and eternal happiness.
While I only mentioned a few beatitudes I really do love all of them and the things that are promised if I keep the commandments and do these seemingly small things that will lead to great results and happiness in my life. I am so grateful for the blessings that my Heavenly Father gives to me, one being that I know of the gospel and am able to follow it.
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