Monday, July 13, 2015

Fluency (stuttering) Experience

This experience was a lot like the learning disabilities experience for me, this is mostly because I felt socially awkward in the situation. A lot of the responses I got in the situation were really similar to what I got during the other simulations.
First of all the situation was awkward and uncomfortable for me because I am not very good at stuttering, and it was a little bit of a struggle for me to stutter. My first experience was pretty uncomfortable for me, I asked someone some questions and I of course was stuttering, during this experience he was very quick to answer my questions but I received a lot of pity smiles from him throughout my conversation with him.
The second experience I had was much more uncomfortable, I was talking to someone and stuttering and while I got pity smiles from her too, she also was trying to be helpful and kept suggesting things to me for what she thought I was trying to say. Like in the case of the learning disability it just made it harder for me to get the words out.
Again I learned that to really help students with speech problem that the best thing we can do is to have patience for them and wait for them to be able to get the words out. Through this experience I also learned that many of our students will have awkward encounters with their peers or others. Since I was able to have this experience I have a better idea of the struggles that my students will go through.

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