Friday, June 26, 2015

Week of 6/22

This week we mostly focused on the different types of co-teaching. The types of co-teaching include, one teach one observe, one teach one assist, station teaching, parallel teaching, supplemental teaching, alternative, and team teaching. Then we also had the opportunity to use these different skills that we had learned.

We had the opportunity to teach our peers using the co-teaching skills that we had learned about. My group was being taught first, we began with a pre-assessment to see where everyone was at the beginning and then we were broken up into two groups based on our skill level. The teachers then modeled parallel teaching and team teaching. I was in the beginner group as we were learning to lead music and I don't know much about it. Two people taught us about the basics, while at the same time there was an advanced group learning more who were also taught by two people. We were then given a post assessment to see if we had improved or were ready to move up to the next group. This lesson helped me to better understand parallel teaching and demonstrated good team teaching.

My group then had the opportunity to teach, we decided to teach how to whistle through your hands. We also used a couple different co-teaching strategies, the main one we used was one teach, one assist where the person who really understood how to do it taught the whole group then the rest of us were around to help. We also used a little bit of alternative teaching where there were able to help one-on-one in different ways. This also really helped me to understand more about co-teaching, because between teaching and being taught I was able to be see four different teaching styles and come to more fully understand it through the example.

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