The literal translation for Gethsemane is oil press, which adds something really powerful to Christ's suffering there. Christ was pressed like the olives are pressed into oil and they "bleed" as they release oil, but in the Garden of Gethsemane Christ literally bleed from every pore under the crushing weight of the atonement and all that He had to do for us.
There are many correlations that can be drawn between Matthew 26:41 and Doctrine and Covenants 10:5. The scripture in Matthew is Jesus asking His disciples not to enter into temptation. The Doctrine and Covenants scripture teaches that if we pray always then we will be able to resist temptation. So if we are praying always then we will be able to overcome temptation and do the things that our Savior would have us do.
Mosiah 15:7, 3 Nephi 11:11 and Doctrine and Covenants 19:19 help to teach us why the Savior drank from the bitter cup. In all of these verses Christ says that He did it so He could glorify the Father and do what the Father asked Him to do.
The Savior's use of nevertheless amazes me. Christ basically begs His Father to take away the cup but then says nevertheless I will do what you want me to. Christ humbly submits to His Father and agrees to do what He asked Him to. I have tried to apply the nevertheless pattern to my life, and I have had many experiences where I did what the Lord asked me to even though I didn't want to and I have been greatly blessed. This was the case with attending BYU-Idaho, I originally didn't want to go but I listened to my Father in Heaven and went anyways and within a few days I knew that I was where I was supposed to be and I was blessed greatly.
As the Savior's agony increased He only prayed more earnestly. I wish that I could be more like my Savior in that way. When I am suffering I generally turn inward and ignore others, but I want to be more like my Savior and turn to my Heavenly Father when I am suffering because I know that He can and will help me to get through my suffering. If I turned to my Savior and my Father in Heaven when I was suffering I believe that I would feel more peace and comfort as I worked through my trials.
I learned a lot about my Savior from His time in Gethsemane, and I gained a eternal gratitude and a further love and respect for what He did for me. I learned a lot about how humbly He suffered and how He was willing to give all the glory to the Father. I hope that I could someday have the humility that my Savior had, and be able to submit to the will of the Father whatever it may be. I am so grateful for my Savior and all that He was willing to do for me so that I can be forgiven for my sins and have eternal life.